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HT Verboom logistic systems acquired by HAL Investments owned Horticulture group GreenV

HT Verboom Transport Systems, the developer, producer and installer of internal logistics systems for greenhouse horticulture, has been acquired by GreenV, a company in the portfolio of HAL Investments. The group of companies that currently consists of installation company Stolze and the greenhouse construction company Prins Group since late 2020. By joining GreenV, Verboom will be better positioned to execute its international expansion strategy with the support of GreenV.

HT Verboom is involved in the design, production, installation and maintenance of self-developed container transport systems. Verboom’s products have a reputation of being extremely solid and reliable.

HT Verboom experienced high growth over the past years: the company was able to triple its revenue in a short time, with an expectation of further substantial growth in the coming years. This growing demand not only derives from the existing floral and plant sectors, but is increasingly driven by the application of automated internal transport systems in other sectors and crops such as lettuce, medicinal cannabis and indoor farming. These are complex projects, for which clients increasingly seek integrated solutions