News & Transactions

Management Buy Out Hatenboer

Frontrunner in the water industry for over 100 years

Solveigh is pleased to announce that a Management Buy Out of Hatenboer-Water (general water treatment and membrane filtration systems with pre and post treatment and complete supplier of technical products for water treatment) and Hatenboer-Neptunus (water supply for maritime and offshore customers in the extended Port of Rotterdam) has been completed.

History in the world of water

Hatenboer has a long history in the world of water. The company started operations in the Port of Rotterdam with water supplies in 1906 and since then has grown into a modern and globally operating company with a complete delivery program of high quality systems, products and services for general (drinking) water treatment for industrial and municipal applications.

Solveigh has arranged and structured the MBO and has advised both the owner and the managment team.