Archive homepage Who we are Solveigh is an independent investment banking advisory firm. We deliver strategic advice focussed on sustainable value creation. We are specialists and trusted advisors in Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Board Advisory Services, Shareholders and Investors Interest. Our clients are shareholders, owners and boards of of midsized and public or private larger companies, most of them with an international footprint and the desire to further expand their international footprint. We are specialied in cross border transactions, especially between Asia and Europe. We have own offices in the Netherlands and Hong Kong and long term partners in over 50 countries. We only work with seasoned and entrepreneurial driven professionals. We jointly adviced on and executed over 200 transactions since 1998. ‘“Since we started our firm January ’98 until today we have been passionate as professional entrepreneurs and enjoyed advising our clients in Mergers & Acquisitions, Investments and their International Strategic Development. Our heart and soul is in our business.’ Ernst Jan Kruis Solveigh makes a difference We are Out of the Box Every company is unique. And so are we. In M&A there are no standard practices for us. Every situation is different. By definition we are used to think out of the Box. It is not a matter of writing sleek documentation, preparing mind-blowing spreadsheets or running a highly competitive auction in which as much parties as possible will be approached. But a matter of finding the right strategy, best fit and best and most effective and efficient approach for your specific situation. Every process we start is customised. Based on tons of experiences in a wide variety of markets. We are creative We can bring creativity in deals that is often needed to find solutions when things got stuck. Yes we have extensive experience but there are no standards for us. Every company and situation is unique. Every team involved is unique and communication and negotiations between the participants always have unique characteristics and dynamics. Actually we love it, this is what makes our professions so interesting for us. We are international Many of our transactions are cross border. We have a strong international network. And we are present ourselves on 2 continents, Europe and Asia. Our international reach is not based on databases, it is based on existing relations. We have partner-firms with whom we have established relations and have worked with for often more than 15 years. We are international Many of our transactions are cross border. We have a strong international network. And we are present ourselves on 2 continents, Europe and Asia. Our international reach is not based on databases, it is based on existing relations. We have partner-firms with whom we have established relations and have worked with for often more than 15 years. Relations, relations, relations. We are in relational business. First of all, we want to be in a relation with you. With the long run in mind. And we will build relations for and with you. With suitable partners. In a careful way. We believe in quality. It is a condition precedent for us. That sometimes takes time. There are not always shortcutsts. But we will work hard and consistently towards the best result. Together with you and your team. Strategic Business Development We are not just investment bankers that come and go once a transaction is completed. In many case we have a much more extensive role. We are frequently involved in developing growth strategies as well as in cross border business development. We may act as the trusted advisors for a Board or Owners in relation to strategic matters, Buy & Build strategies and international expansion. Asia & Europe We have roots in both Asia and Europe. Solveigh started in China in 2004 and has built long term understanding, relations and experience in Asia. We have done and are doing deals in a variety of sectors and are able to bridge very different worlds. Next to Hong Kong and China we are also in the Philippines and Vietnam, and with partners in Japan, Korea and Singapore. In between Asia and Europe we are also involved with high tech companies in Israel. We care It is not money and profit that is driving us. What is driving us is that we want to be meaningful. We care for the impact of what we do. We want to leave a footprint that is good. In the companies we work with, in relations we manage. People Planet Profit yes. Poverty Elevation yes. Impact Investments yes. We aim to support those in need and contribute part of our time and money to such projects. We are experienced professionals We have completed over 200 transactions, mostly with midsized and larger companies. In a variety of markets, countries and situations. Most of us have over 20 years experience in our profession, each of us with own specialisms. We are rocksolid We prefer an in-depth approach. We do not act as brokers. We need to understand your business, your objectives. And we do not give up. We can go the second mile to make things work, and the third mile or more. We are persistent, which is needed as in most situations there is no low hanging fruit but things need to mature, need to be nurtured and managed. We are Entrepreneurs ourselves Time ago we left corporate life behind us to live our own entrepreneurial dreams. We have gone places. We explore. We won and sometimes we lost. We are passionate in what we do. We are probably married with our work. 100% is not enough for us. If we are on, we are on for 200%. We do not compromise on that. We are 24/7 (and yes, we can also play hard too).